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Inside the secret ateliers of LVMH
There are few places in the world that can't be accessed by social media and the internet. But the inner sanctums of high quality replica handbags china the most famous luxury houses, whether they be purveyors of fine wine or fashion, are just that. The secrets of cheap replica handbags their trade the expertise and craft crucial to the replica louis vuitton highest level of design are so closely guarded as to be impenetrable.
Unless, that is, you should find yourself one of the lucky few recipients of fashion and luxury's golden ticket, a place at LVMH's Journes Particulires. On these three special days 12 to 14 October the luxury goods conglomerate is opening the doors of its most private fake designer bags spaces. This is the fourth event of its kind since 2011, and the biggest yet: 77 venues, in 14 countries and four continents.
Thirty nine have never been opened to the public as fake louis bag part of this event before. Antoine Arnault, its founder, an LVMH board member and one of the heirs apparent (his father, Bernard Arnault, is LVMH's CEO) calls Journes Particulires "a celebration", but also "an opportunity for us to pay tribute to the superior craftsmanship"of thousands of artisans in various industries.
There are tours of the Newton Vineyard in Napa Valley, California; the Cape Mentelle wine estate in Australia's Margaret River; the Glenmorangie distillery in Scotland; and aaa replica designer handbags the Abbey of Hautvillers, home of the "father of champagne", Dom Pierre Prignon.
"In the past 20 years, luxury houses have become more open to different publics, to new cultures and geographies," explains Arnault, "and they are now more than ever in tune with the general culture replica louis vuitton handbags around them. We see that with the recent collaborations between certain brands and street art culture, for example, or even in the choice Designer Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags of appointments of designers. It's this spirit of openness that we want to feed through the Journes Particulires."
It's France, as the home of LVMH, that is leading the Journes Particulires, with 40 spaces many high quality designer replica handbags of them centres of the luxury fashion that LVMH is known for offering a glimpse into this exclusive world, with Paris at its heart. On the Avenue Montaigne, in the eighth arrondissement, is the 19th century building that is the beating heart of Christian Dior.
Here are the creative studios, salons and haute couture workshops, the very pinnacle of savoir faire. In the Dior ateliers there are two, one focused on fluid designs, one on tailored the overhead lights mimic daylight to show colours at their truest. Some craftspeople work on customers' orders from the latest shows; elsewhere, a client has asked the house to replicate the Dior evening dress photographed by Richard Avedon in the 1955 imageDovima with Elephants.
Access to this world is a privilege, says Soizic Pfaff, the head curator of the Christian Dior archives, who first joined the company in 1974. "It's not a department store."Designs by the current creative director, Maria Grazia Chiuri, will be preserved along with those who have come before.
The pieces currently being handmade in the atelier are part of the brand's legacy, to be lent out for exhibitions or referenced by generations of designers to come. The Journes Particulires offer a rare window into a house where 1:1 replica handbags fashion and art are synonymous. "It's a gift,"says Pfaff.
In Asnires sur Seine, a town on Paris' north western periphery made famous by the Impressionist scenes painted there, is the workshop opened in 1859 to meet burgeoning demand just five years after Louis Vuitton founded his brand.
Designer Louis Vuitton Replica Handbags The trunks that are a signature of this house can be made only here, taking about six months to complete although demand is so high that a second team is currently in training. The transmission of craftsmanship is even more important than the craftsmanship itself or these practices could be lost forever, so specific are they to the creation of these unique designs.
Applicants for a job at the Louis Vuitton atelier are subject to a number of demanding tests that seek to find staff who are replica louis vuitton bags patient, cautious and precise. Many come from craft school, but any talented people who meet these requirements are welcome there is a former florist working here too.
In the Special Orders department, one of a kind Vuitton trunks are created to fulfil requests far from the traditional cigar or jewellery cases trunks can be designed to house a set of DJ decks, or skateboards like those Vuitton produced in collaboration with cult sportswear brand Supreme. Every whim is catered for: one man commissioned a case for his lucky rubber duck.
It's just a few steps from the workshop which sits alongside a gallery space, whose current exhibition showcases Vuitton's heritage to the house that was once home to Louis Vuitton himself, followed by successive generations of his family until the early 1980s.

Outside the three day Journes Particulires, very few members of the public will ever be invited to visit this house and look upon the portrait of Louis that hangs just through the door, or the 16th century Spanish trunks that once formed the doors of his grandson Gaston Louis Vuitton's library, or the slightly incongruous pool table (without pockets, in the French style) that sits in the immaculate art nouveau living room a nod to fifth generation Patrick Louis Vuitton, an accomplished player. 


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